Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was scheduled for five days from 8-12 October 2023 at the Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan. The 18th annual meeting of IGF was hosted by the Government of Japan. IGF originally started in 2006 to bring people together from various stakeholder groups in discussions on digital public policy.
Participating in IGF 2023 was a dream come true for me. In the upcoming blog post, I will unveil the memorable moments I experienced during the event, what I have learned from the event, and share a key discussion
During the five forums, 8 sub-themes were taken to discussion including 1) AI and Emerging Technologies, (2) Avoiding Internet Fragmentation, (3) Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, and Online Safety, (4) Data Governance and Trust, (5) Digital Divide and Inclusion, (6) Global Digital Governance and Cooperation, (7) Human Rights and Freedoms and (8) Sustainability and Environment. All sessions were designed in different formats including lightning talks, workshops, and high-level meetings.
In addition to these informative sessions, the booth area offered diverse opportunities to connect with companies, organizations, and civil society youth groups advocating for their services and programs. On top of that, I also experienced the rich culture of Japan by wearing traditional Japanese clothing called a kimono, participating in a Japanese tea ceremony, and participating in the gala dinner where there was a traditional Japanese performance, fireworks, and Japanese cuisine. During the IGF 2023, I also participated as the moderator of the lighting talk session on “AI-Driven Learning Revolution in Cambodian Higher Education” and “Accelerating an Inclusive Energy Transition” in which the panelists are Cambodian. It was an engaging session, and we touched upon how AI could have an impact on Cambodia’s higher education. Participants were from various backgrounds including educational institutions, youth, journalists, civil society, government, and private sector.

I am very honored and delighted to participate in the IGF 2023 opening ceremony as I get a chance to meet and listen to the speech of Mr. Fumio Kishida the Prime Minister of Japan and Mr. Vint Cerf, the father of the internet. During the ceremony, they highlighted the crucial use of the Internet in our daily lives as it helps foster development. I was interested in Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s speech about a significant update on the Hiroshima AI Process, which I believe will advance the AI system and also develop the code of conduct for developing and using AI. This discussion sheds light on the best approach to driving the responsible development of AI while avoiding fragmentation.

Key Takeaways from Interesting Sessions
The High-Level Panel on Evolving Trends in Mis & Dis-Information:
In this session, I had the opportunity to listen to experts on information literacy. This session discussed the method to identify the types and patterns of misinformation and disinformation and the method to solve this issue.
Can a layered policy approach stop internet fragmentation?
The discussion centered around public policy which is the initiative from the government’s civil society to overcome the issue of Internet fragmentation. The panelists present the case study that some countries have faced. The involvement of civil society and the Internet community to address this issue. Experts presented the crucial role of the Internet in socio-economic development and the need for ease of access by everyone.

Accelerating an Inclusive Energy Transition
This session mainly touches upon the Digital Technologies to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. It was the second session in IGF 2023 and the panelist is from Cambodia. The panelists also presented the global collective effort toward energy in the future that no one should leave behind. In addition, youth also play a crucial role in achieving green energy and environmental sustainability in the future.

Future Plan:
After returning from The IGF 2023, I am equipped with enthusiasm to sustain Internet Governance in Cambodia. The IGF has allowed me to participate in other IG forums, such as being a speaker in sharing sessions on My Digital Risk Workshop which I discuss how to make our password safe. I am inspired by IGF activities and other youth group initiatives to establish the Internet Governance community in Cambodia to exchange ideas on global digital trends, online safety, how to avoid Internet fragmentation, and other IG-related issues.
I would like to take this moment to express my gratitude to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) for providing the financial support and opportunity for me to attend 18th IGF in Japan. I hope I will get to work with the ODC team on the future Internet Governance-related Project to sustain the momentum of IGF and widespread the knowledge of Internet governance to future Cambodian youth.