APSIG is the edition of the capacity-building initiative of the Asia-Pacific School on Internet Governance that also serves as a regional School of Internet Governance working towards raising awareness and capacity building within the Asia Pacific region.
APSIG 2023 was held for three days from 27-29 November 2023 at Park Inn by Radisson North EDSA Hotel, Manila, The Philippines. Open Development Cambodia’s team (ODC) partake in the full event. The APISIG originally started in 2016 intending to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to participate in Internet policy-making by developing a strong foundation in the following:
- Promote and support Schools on Internet Governance (SIGs) in the Asia-Pacific Region
- Provide training services to organizers and speakers at national and local SIGs

Day Zero (26 November 2023)
The program officially started with an Introduction and icebreakers. On day zero of the event, the fellows get to know each other and learn from one another about the Internet governance that happens in their home country.
Day One (27 November 2023)
The program focused on the Internet Governance’s history and evolving ecosystem, the Role of International Organizations and NRIs, Internet Technologies and Security Standards, the Flash talk from the Fellow, Bitcoin, Blockchain and Beyond, and IP Go. Back then, all participants were informed on day zero to deliver the flash talk on the topic of Internet governance in their home country. ODC team has delivered a flash talk on the AI-driven learning Revolution In Cambodian Higher Education which is the research paper conducted by Mr. Heng Soklay AI Researcher and lecturer at Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology. On top of that, the ODC team also supported the speaker in explaining IP Go which the ODC team explained the description of the activity and the role of the network operator and the way the Internet works.

Day Two (28 November 2023)
The program focused on Accessibility and Inclusivity, Digital Economy and Future of Work, Internet shutdowns and International Human Rights Law, Cybersecurity Incidents (Role-play)/ DNS Security activity, Internet Governance, and 7th Generation Warfare.
One of many interesting activities was called “Accessibility and Inclusivity” in which the Speaker presented us with the website’s accessibility. She aimed to raise awareness among the website developers to consider elements including audio, voice commands, and other available tools. The speaker also urged web developers to follow WC3 guidelines “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines” and ask people with disability to test their websites to ensure that the content available on their websites is accessible. Following this section, the speaker discusses Applying International Human Rights Law to the Internet Shutdown.
In the session of Cybersecurity Incident Role-play, all participants were divided into 3 main teams including the management team, the technical team, and the legal team which were responsible for responding to the public about a case that a hacker leaked an NGO’s data. ODC team played the role of a team leader of the legal team and explained to the fellow the process and what we needed to do in the session and we also discussed the stage that we needed to follow carefully. Those activities made the participants know how to respond to such incidents that would happen in our daily lives.
At the end of day two, the ODC team also presented about the Cambodia culture to all participants and presented about ODC’s work and ODC involvement in improving Internet Governance in Cambodia including the Internet governance and ICT programs including Cambodia Youth Internet Governance Forum, Cambodia ICT and Digital Forum, Cambodia ICT Camp.

Day Three (29 November 2023)
The program began with the section called Emerging Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) priorities: The next round of new Generic top-level domain (gTLD) and Universal Acceptance, Impact of Internet Fragmentation on Future of the Internet. The APISIG 2023 came to an end with the closing remark by the organizer. All participants provided their feedback to improve the program. ODC’s staff managed to learn from and build connections with other participants necessary for future cooperation.
After the program ends, it is expected that the ODC team can learn or apply, if possible, any relevant lessons learned from APISIG 2023 to Cambodian youth through an event called “Cambodia Youth Internet Governance Forum 2024 (Cambodia YIGF) which ODC plan to host in Phnom Penh in the upcoming year 2024. The insight from APISIG 2023 also provides additional input for the ODC team to make use of for experience-sharing sessions related to Internet governance. Second, it is an opportunity that ODC ‘s team have build a network and exchange ideas from others with other academic, expert, and other internet governance communities.