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Cambodia Youth IGF 2024 Youth Pioneering a Resilient Digital Society

  • Event Date: 02-03 November 2024
  • Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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As we look ahead, YIGF Cambodia 2024 focuses centers on empowering youth to take the lead in building a resilient and sustainable digital society. This year’s theme, “Youth Pioneering a Resilient Digital Society,” underscores the critical role of Cambodian youth in navigating and shaping the digital landscape amid rapid technological advancements. We aim to equip young people with the knowledge, skills, and ethical grounding necessary to address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by digital technologies.

In an increasingly digital world, access to digital technologies, online safety, and opportunities are critical factors that influence an individual’s ability to thrive. This event aims to address these crucial aspects and foster discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration to ensure digital empowerment for all individuals in Cambodia.


AI and Us

Diving into the profound impact of artificial intelligence in Cambodia, examining its governance, ethical use, and the need for inclusion. The topic will also cover the potential of AI and its positive impact or opportunities across various sectors, focusing on its use for societal good, responsible AI practices, and the role of AI in public policy, humanitarian activities, and education. Ethical considerations in AI creativity will also be addressed, ensuring that AI development aligns with societal values without posing any harm and benefits all segments of the population.

Cybersecurity Resilience

Critical issues related to cybersecurity that emphasize the importance of sustainable and resilient cybersecurity practices. The topic will engage participants in discussions on the various cybersecurity threats and risks faced in the digital age as well as cover practical solutions for enhancing digital privacy protection, promoting strong cybersecurity measures, and safeguarding personal information. Strategies for building robust cybersecurity laws and fostering a culture of cyber hygiene will be explored, with an emphasis on protecting individuals and organizations from cyber threats.

Sustainable Data

This sub-theme addresses key aspects of data governance, focusing on sustainable practices that ensure data privacy, access, and quality. Participants will discuss the importance of data privacy literacy, individuals’ rights to data protection, and the current landscape of data protection law in Cambodia. Topics include data accessibility and availability, data integrity, and the need for standardization and consistency in data management. By promoting sustainable data governance, this sub-theme aims to support innovation while safeguarding individuals’ data rights and fostering trust in data usage.

Event Timeline

Event Timeline

19 Aug – 23 Sep 2024

Call for YIGF Cambodia 2024 Participants

15 Sep – 06 Oct 2024

Call for Debate Participant

02 Sep – 13 Oct 2024

Call for Speaker

10 Oct 2024 (Thu)

Online Preparation: Internet Governance Webinar#1

13 Oct 2024 (Sun)

Online Preparation: Internet Governance Webinar#2

27 Oct 2024 (Thu)

Online Preparation: Internet Governance Webinar#3

24 Oct 2024 (Thu)

Online Preparation: Internet Governance Webinar#4

31 Oct 2024 (Thu)

Online Preparation: Internet Governance Webinar#5

12 Oct 2024 (Fri)

Online Training For Debate Participants

19 Oct 2024 (Sat)

Debate Preliminary Round

02 Nov 2024 (Sat)

Event Day 1 of YIGF Cambodia 2024

03 Nov 2024 (Sun)

Event Day 2 of YIGF Cambodia 2024

Core Element of Cambodia Youth IGF 2024

Preparation Month: Series of Webinar on Internet Governance

The Internet Governance Webinar series is an online preparatory program designed to equip YIGF Cambodia 2024 youth participants with the necessary knowledge and discussion skills for active involvement in Internet policymaking. The program includes a pre-training webinar, three training webinars, and a participant presentation session that marks the closing of the preparation month. Each 1.5-hour workshop will feature interactive discussions led by expert guest speakers on various topics.

This webinar series is highly interactive, not a one-sided learning program. Participants will be divided into thematic groups to research and present their findings during the final training session. Active contribution to discussions is expected from all participants.

Debate Program

The debate competition focuses on pressing issues such as cybersecurity, cybercrime law, and data protection law. It provides a structured platform for participants to present and argue their perspectives on these critical topics. The debates are structured in two phases: preliminary rounds held in October to select the top teams, followed by a final round during the YIGF event days. The competition aims to stimulate deep analysis and discussion among youth on important Internet governance issues.

Panel Discussion

The forum features a panel discussion that brings together a diverse set of speakers from various sectors, including policymakers, government representatives, private sector leaders, and civil society activists. This session is designed to give participants a comprehensive understanding of how different stakeholders contribute to the policy-making process in Internet governance. It offers valuable insights into the diverse perspectives and approaches that shape digital policies.

Role play Multistakeholder Conference

The Role play Multistakeholder Conference aims to provide participants with a unique opportunity to experience the dynamics of multistakeholder decision-making processes while addressing real-world Internet governance challenges. Through roleplay, youth will step into the shoes of various stakeholders and engage in collaborative discussions, negotiations, and consensus-building exercises.

Participants will be divided into stakeholder groups to discuss Cambodia’s digital policy, including current issues and future directions. This component aims to foster collaboration and produce actionable recommendations for improving digital policies in Cambodia.

Youth Dialogue on the Overarching Theme

The Youth Dialogue aims to maintain an ongoing conversation among Cambodian youth about Internet governance. Participants will engage in group work to present their opinions and policy suggestions on the overarching theme of YIGF Cambodia. The outcomes will be compiled into a Youth Policy Statement, which will be included in the Report of Cambodia Youth IGF and submitted to the United Nations Internet Governance Forum. This component emphasizes the importance of youth contributions to policy-making and their role in shaping the digital future.

Topic Presentation

Various speakers will present on topics relevant to the themes and subthemes. These presentations are open to the public by first call for speakers. Selected speakers will present their topic on the event day of YIGF Cambodia 2024. Each session aims to deepen participants’ understanding of specific issues and encourage informed dialogue among attendees. Speakers will also share their insights, perspectives, and experiences, offering diverse viewpoints on the topic.